ISO9001:2008 certified
Customer satisfaction, quality and sustainability and economic efficiency take top priority in our company. That is why the ISO 9001 certification was indispensable for us. The first certificate of quality was issued to us already in 1996. Since then, we are subject to the required audits at regular intervals. That way, we guarantee that the quality stipulations are fulfilled in our company and that the work processes are continuously improved. Moreover, we ensure that we will also meet all the high requirements in the future.
License to re-stamp
This permit certifies the re-stamping person to transfer labels in order to identify materials, semi-finished products or building parts for our customers.
Supplier certification
Thanks to our long-term cooperation, we are authorised to identify ourselves as suppliers to Pilatus Aircraft Ltd.
Franz Iten AG
Biegen & Walzen
Weissenbrunnenstrasse 43
CH-8903 Birmensdorf ZH
T +41 44 739 11 11
F +41 44 739 11 50
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